Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Rainbow Coloring of Graphs

Introduction to Rainbow Coloring of Graphs

In graph theory, rainbow coloring of graphs is an edge coloring technique of the graphs.

An edge coloring of a graph is a function from its edge set to the set of natural numbers.

A path in an edge colored graph with no two edges sharing the same color is called a rainbow path.

An edge colored graph is said to be rainbow connected if every pair of vertices is connected by at least one rainbow path. Such a coloring is called a rainbow coloring of the graph G.

If a rainbow coloring uses k colors, we call it a k-rainbow coloring.

Let c be a rainbow coloring of a connected graph G. For two vertices u and v of G, a rainbow 
u−v geodesic in G is a rainbow u−v path of length d(u, v), where d(u, v) is the distance between u and v (the length of a shortest u−v path in G).

The graph G is strongly rainbow-connected if G contains a rainbow u−v geodesic for every two
vertices u and v of G. In this case, the coloring c is called a strong rainbow coloring of G.


The concept of rainbow coloring of graphs has been introduced by Chatrand et.al (ref 1).

Definitions and Bounds

  • Rainbow connection number of a graph G , denoted by rc(G) is the minimum number of colors required to rainbow color a connected graph.
  •  A rainbow coloring using rc(G) colors is called a minimum rainbow coloring.
  • The strong rainbow connection number of a graph G is the minimum number of colors needed to strong rainbow color G, and is denoted by src(G).
  • A strong rainbow coloring of G using src(G) colors is called a minimum strong rainbow coloring of G.
In order to rainbow color any connected graph G,we can see that at least diam(G) colors are required, where diam(G) is the diameter of  G (i.e. the length of the longest shortest path). 

On the other hand, we can never use more than m colors, where m denotes the number of  in G. Finally, because each strong rainbow colored graph is rainbow colored, we have 
diam(G )  rc(G≤ src(G) ≤ m.

Rainbow Coloring and Strong Rainbow Coloring of Petersen Graph

Rainbow Coloring of Petersen Graph

Consider the Petersen graph P given below. It shows a rainbow 3-coloring of P. Thus rc(P) 3. On the other hand, if u and v are two nonadjacent vertices of P, then d(u, v) = 2. So the length of a u − v path is at least 2

Thus any rainbow coloring of P uses at least two colors and so rc(P) > 2. If P has a rainbow 

2-coloring c, then there exist two adjacent edges of G that are colored the same by c, say e = uv and 

f = vw are colored the same. Since there is exactly one u − w path of length 2 in P, there is no rainbow u − w path in P, which is a contradiction. 

Therefore, rc(P) = 3.

Rainbow Coloring of Petersen Graph

Strong Rainbow Coloring of Petersen Graph

Since rc(P) = 3, it follows that src(P)   3. It is known that the edge chromatic number of the Petersen graph is known to be 4. So, any 3-coloring c of the edges of P results in two adjacent edges uv and vw being assigned the same color. Since u, v,w is the only u − w geodesic in P, the coloring c is not a strong rainbow coloring. Since the 4-coloring of the edges of P in the figure below is a strong rainbow coloring, hence src(P) = 4.
Strong Rainbow Coloring of Petersen Graph

The following are the extremal cases:

  • rc(G) = src(G) = 1 if and only if G is a complete graph.
  • rc(G) = src(G) = m if and only if G is a tree.

Rainbow Coloring and Strong Rainbow Coloring of Cycle Cn

Consider a cycle on n vertices, Cn. We know that the diam(Cn) = n/2. Hence, src(Cn) ≥ rc(Cn) ≥ n/2. This lower bound for rc(Cn) and src(Cn) is nearly the exact value of these numbers. Thus, this leads to the following proposition:

For each integer n 4,
rc(Cn) = src(Cn) = n/2.

Rainbow Coloring and Strong Rainbow Coloring of Wheel  Wn

Consider a wheel graph on n vertices Wn.
For n ≥ 3, the rainbow connection number of the wheel Wn is

 rc(Wn) = 1 if n=3
                     =2 if 4 ≤ n ≤ 6
               =3 if n ≥  7.

For n ≥ 3, the strong rainbow connection number of the wheel Wn  is    

                                                                src(Wn) = n/3⌉.

Rainbow Coloring of Cube

Consider a d dimensional cube Qd . 
Faudree et.al. discuss the possibility of coloring the edges of the  d dimensional cube using d  colors such that all quadrangles of the cube are colored using four colors. This is achieved through rainbow coloring. Thus, we have the following results.

  • If ≥ 4, d ≠ 5, then rc(Qd) = d.
  • If ≥ 3, d ≠ 4, there exists a total (d + 1)-coloring of Qd , which is also a rainbow coloring.

Rainbow Coloring of Fan Graph

A Fan graph Fn is a graph obtained  by joining n copies of the cycle graph C3  with a common vertex. Fn is a planar undirected graph and has 2n+1 vertices and 3n edges.
The Fan graph G has (2n+1) vertices and 3n edges  and admits a rainbow coloring rc(G)=3.
Illustration of a Fan Graph
Rainbow Coloring of a Fan Graph

Rainbow Coloring of Flower Graph

A Flower graph is  obtained from a helm graph  by joining each pendant vertex of the helm graph  to the central vertex of the helm graph.
The Helm graph Hn is the graph obtained from a wheel   graph by attaching a pendant edge at each vertex of the n-cycle.
If (n-1) petal edges are attached at the central vertex of wheel  graph Wn for n≥4 , then the rainbow coloring of the resulting graph G is rc(G)=3.

Rainbow Coloring of Corona

The corona graph G,  Pn o K2 has  a rainbow coloring rc(G)=2n-1, where n is the number of vertices in the path.

The corona graph G,  Pn o C4 has  a rainbow coloring rc(G)=n+1, where n is the number of vertices in the path.
Rainbow Coloring of P3 oK2
Rainbow Coloring of PnoK2

Rainbow Coloring and Strong Rainbow Coloring of a Complete Bipartite Graph

For integers s and t with   s   t,

Strong Rainbow Coloring of  a Complete Multipartite Graph

Consider a complete multipartite graph
where ≥ 3, and n1  n2 ≤….≤ n
such that 

Complete and Incomplete Rainbow Coloring 

Consider a connected graph G with a k-rainbow coloring. 
  • If a rainbow path in G  has length k, then such a path is known as a complete rainbow path. Else, it is known as an incomplete rainbow path.
  • A rainbow coloring of G is incomplete if for any vertex u in V (G), has at most one vertex v such that all the rainbow paths between u and v are complete.Otherwise, it is complete.
  • A complete rainbow path uses all k colors of the coloring, whereas an incomplete rainbow path misses at least one color of the coloring.
  •  If a spanning subgraph of has an (incomplete) k-rainbow coloring, then G has an (incomplete) k-rainbow coloring.


Let G be a Hamiltonian graph of order n, where n ≥ 3. Then G has an incomplete n/2-rainbow coloring, i.e, rc(G) ≤ n/2.


Let G be a 2-connected graph of order n , where n ≥ 3. Then rc(G) ≤ n/2and the upper bound is tight for  n ≥ 4.


The hardness of the rainbow connection problems has been discussed by Chakraborty et.al. 
  • Given an edge colored graph G, the problem of deciding if rc(G) = 2 is NP-Complete and computing rc(G) is NP-Hard.
  • Given an edge-colored graph Gthe problem of checking whether the given coloring makes rainbow connected or not is  NP-Complete.
  • For every d > 0 there is a constant C = C(d) such that if G is a connected graph with n vertices and minimum degree at least dnthen rc(G) ≤ CFurthermore, there is a polynomial time algorithm that constructs a corresponding coloring for a fixed d.
Now, let us consider the extension of the concept of rainbow coloring technique to the vertex coloring of graphs.

 Rainbow Vertex Connected Graph

A vertex colored graph G is rainbow vertex connected if every two vertices are connected by a path whose internal vertices have distinct colors is called a rainbow vertex connected graph.


  •  The rainbow vertex connection number of a connected graph G denoted by rvc(G) is the smallest number of colors that are needed in order to make G rainbow vertex connected.
  •  A vertex colored graph G is strongly rainbow vertex connected if for every pair of distinct vertices, there exists a shortest rainbow path. Such a graph G is called a strongly rainbow vertex colored graph.
Rainbow Vertex Coloring of  Tadpole Graph T3,2


Rainbow connection has an interesting application for secure transfer of classified information between agencies. Hence one can find prohibitive in traders to crack the password in sequrity information transfer. Every pair of agencies with one or more secure paths along with distinct passwords reveals the rainbow connection and is prohibitive to intruder. It is of interest to find the rc(G) of different classes of other graphs.


  1. Chartrand, Gary.; Johns, Garry L.; McKeon, Kathleen A.; Zhang, Ping (2008), "Rainbow connection in graphs", Mathematica Bohemica 133. 
  2. Chakraborty, Sourav; Fischer, Eldar; Matsliah, Arie; Yuster, Raphael (2011), "Hardness and algorithms for rainbow connection", Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 21 (3): 330–347.
  3. Faudree, R.J.; Gyarfas, A.; Lesniak, L.; Schelp, R.H. (1993). "Rainbow Coloring the Cube", Journal of Graph Theory, Vol. 17, No. 5, 607-612.
  4. Ramya, N.; Rangarajan, K.; Sattanathan, R. (2012).  "On Rainbow Coloring of Some Classes of Graphs", International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 46, No. 18, 36-38.
  5. Arputhamary,  I.A.; Mercy, H.M. (2013). "Rainbow Coloring of certain classes of graphs", International Conference on Mathematical Computer Engineering,71-78.
  6. Li, Xueliang.; Liu, Sujuan.; Sunil Chandran, L.; Mathew, Rogers.; Rajendraprasad, Deepak. (2012).  "Rainbow Connection Number and Connectivity", The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Vol.19.